Sunday, April 30, 2006

New toys and some more stuff

We gave it the old collage try for a couple of nights late last week when the laptop died. We stripped the power cord down and attempted to gerryrig the power supply, only to find out that the motherboard was fried. Now I like fried foods, but NOT on my laptop *frown*

I am told that I was going squirrly Friday night, so first thing Saturday we were on the road and out enjoyign a Cora's breakfast before we got the rest of our running around done. By the time we headed home we had purchased a new laptop, a 7.1dpi digtial camera and a 1 gig USB memory stick.

We have had to wish some friends another happy birthday, this time via the net since we're not on PEI. Hope the party went well and that ya saved some pie for us, we'll toss it at ya later *wink*.


Sunday, April 23, 2006

DVD Movie Marathon's & more Training

Well after more than 8 months of promises for more training not being met, I stod up to the plate last week and put the wheels into motion to get myself the training I will need once my supervisor retires in May. In order for use to continue to keep instructing the three different courses needed for our work, I need two more levels of certification and this means more training. When I first accepted the job, it had been with the promise that I would actually earn this training. Now I am taking onto myself to get it no matter what.

This weekend is the first sunny one in a long time. Yesterday we invited some friends over who are expecting twins this June. It's our way of helping them get out of their house and relax before the babies arrive since they won't have many opportunities to do so aftewards. Once here we gave them a $50 gift card to Wal Mart for things like diapers, powder ext...Since it's twins, we gave two gift bags worth of stuff like baby combs, baby nail clipers, a six pack of baby bottles, a rubber duckie that will tell you if the water is too hot for baby, a 16 pack of baby wipes and some other related stuff. We also got a bath gift bag for mom, since many people who give baby gifts tend to forget mom. All total the price of the gift suprised us quite a bit. *shrug* It's not like we do it all the time.

We BBQ'd some hamugers and french fries and had rented six DVD movies from Blockbuster. All four of us had time to enjoy two of them before I had to drive our friends back into the city. So today, we spent the day sleeping in and watching the rest of the movies. It was nice to catch some titles that I have been wanting to see for more than a few months. That's about where things stand now-a-days.


Friday, April 14, 2006

A quick spin around the block

We have been busy the last little while.

Two weeks ago we went to the NS Home and Garden Show and enjoyed the 500+ booths displaying all kinds of ideas for our home. We even won a contest that we entered: 5 yards of organic soil, a wheel barrow, 8 garden tools and 16 new plants.

Last weekend we took a trip back to PEI for work's end of the year party, called a Banyan. We have not been back to the Island for over six months and thought it would be a great way to catch up with everyone before they head out for the summer. We visited with old friends, our old neighbours and even some of the people from the chat board.

Our vacation time for this summer has been approved, so it looks like we will be meeting up with friends and family right across the country then. Hope you all have an enjoyable Easter.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hanging free and waiting for more...

Two weeks ago the boss was away on buisness, the first time since I have been on my own to ensure things go smoothly. As I posted it started to go up in smoke fast. I salvaged it and kept on going.

This week the boss has been on vacation and I have been left holding the fort. Again two items came up needing more than I would normally be allowed to handle. I had to go to the "next best" person to get it solved. Sadly, the result was highly frustrating and mostly contrdicted what I am normally expected to achieve.

*sigh* Now I am waiting for more as my current boss enters into his reirement. With no new boos in sight, "the next best guy" is in charge and I cam concerned he will cause me more grief and frustration. I hope this warning is not a sign of the year to come.


Sunday, April 02, 2006

Chairity & Volunteering

I took time friday afternoon and watched people from work during our time slot in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters "Bowl for Kids Sake" fundraiser. Of course I ponyed up my share of a donation. When one of the teamates had to leave early, I even had a chance to bowl a few frames before time was up and the next group was arriving.

After the bowling we decided to see a movie, somthing we don't do on a regular basis. At the theatre we picked "V for Vendetta" and then decided to see a second movie after that, "Inside Man". Happily, both movies were well worth seeing.

I also volunteered my time as a judge for the Sea Cadets. They had about 7 corps gather this weekend for competitions and needed some judges for the first aid portion of the event. They asked for two people from St. John Ambulance (SJA) and two people from the military. The need for two from each group is confusing to me, since the military instructors must be certified by SJA.

There were six teams in total, five members per team and two sections to the first aid competition. The section my boss and I judged was Artificial Respiration on two adult Actars (manaquines). The other section was a scenario and the remaining three team members had to find out what was wrong and perform the correct first aid for it.

Sadly the level of first aid we saw during this competition would not have been allowed, essentually the kids would not have passed if they had of been doing a final exam on a real FA course. All total, it took about five hours to see all the teams and fit breaks/lunch into the mix. A nice way to spend most of a Saturday.

Today the clocks have been set ahead an hour and the weather has the day looking grey and wet. The rain is needed since 2 days into April and the whole province is already under a fire ban due to little snow cover this past winter. Once we get going we are looking at hitting the "Home and Garden Show" at Exhibition Park.

During our travels today, I need to make sure we go to Shoppers Drug Mart and get a few of the new quarters that were released yesterday. The Canadian Mint has issued it's second special coloured quarter, this time to commemerate Breast Cancer and research. The centre of the quarter has a pink ribbon on a white background and are exclussivly issued through Shoppers. I would like to add one to my collection, and to get a near mint one I need to do a bit of shopping. ;)
