Laptop Resurections, Road Trips and bad 'net connections
The more I have to do, the less time there is to post my thoghts. In the last little while all kinds of events have happening.
We now have the laptop fixed, sort of. One GB of RAM has died and the other one is not working at it's best. The repair guys are telling us it will cost about $200 each GB of RAM to bring the system back to it's normal speed. When I heard that, I commented that this is costing me more than keeping the car on the road, and that is considering the higher cost of gas these days!
A couple of weeks after we first moved in, we had not even finished unpacking yet, when we headed outdoors and did a weekend's worth of cleaning up the backyard. This kinds of yardwork has not been done around here for at least three plus years. This included the pruning of the bushes and trees around the place. Before we started, it was a regular jungle. The plants and shrubs have no ryhme or reason around here. Over the past few days, lots of plants are now blooming and our place is one of three on the street that looks great. Since we did the work ourselves, instead of hiring someone, we feel a little better about the place. Even if we won't be living here for very long.
There has been all kinds of buzz in the MSM (main stream media) about Facebook for one reason or another. So I logged on and have been havign fun meeting up with people I have not heard from in over 15 years. Old high school friends, people from cadets and others from back home. So far it's been interesting.
Over the Victorai Day, long weekend, work had me heading back to the Island. Starting the trip out was rough when I lost a wiper blade on the highway in the rain. I had to stop into the nearest town, I found a Canadian Tire and replaced the blade at $25 a pop. Not a great way to get things going. I picked the hotel becasue other places I have stayed in the chain have had wireless internet as part of the room. Last time I was in town, the premier hotel only had wired and it's access was not the greatest. Well to my sad suprise, my experience is now two for two. This second hotel also insists on wired internet. While the rest of Canadadian hotels can get wireless to work, why can't or won't Charlottetown???
The work itself was simple enough. I was brought over to recertify an instructor and to provide any advice that I could. Job done and the rest of the time was mine. I had coffee and dinner with some friends and met some people from my old unit that I have not talked with in over 4 years. it was a great visit. Last week, my new boss suprises me by giving me time off this weekend (friday and monday) in lieu of missing out on it last weekend. I could get used to these four day weekends.
I had to work alone last weekend becasue my other half's family decided to drive down from New Brunswick and visit the new home that same weekend. Well, there was no way I could cancel and they do not come down all that often, so she stayed behind to entertain while I worked away. They had a great time and would buy the place on the spot if there was a remote possibility for it.
I signed my yearly evaluation last week and it was better than I would have thought. I knew I did a proper job, but I guess those writing it were more than impressed with my efforts. I could happily read that kind of evaluation every year.
So two more weeks and I should be back to the Island for another weekend job, then I am volutneering at the MFRC the following weekend. Then two weeks after that we are ready to head out to Cape Breton again for a two week summer vacation. That's how things are shaping up around here. Until later, Enjoy!
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