Sunday, April 23, 2006

DVD Movie Marathon's & more Training

Well after more than 8 months of promises for more training not being met, I stod up to the plate last week and put the wheels into motion to get myself the training I will need once my supervisor retires in May. In order for use to continue to keep instructing the three different courses needed for our work, I need two more levels of certification and this means more training. When I first accepted the job, it had been with the promise that I would actually earn this training. Now I am taking onto myself to get it no matter what.

This weekend is the first sunny one in a long time. Yesterday we invited some friends over who are expecting twins this June. It's our way of helping them get out of their house and relax before the babies arrive since they won't have many opportunities to do so aftewards. Once here we gave them a $50 gift card to Wal Mart for things like diapers, powder ext...Since it's twins, we gave two gift bags worth of stuff like baby combs, baby nail clipers, a six pack of baby bottles, a rubber duckie that will tell you if the water is too hot for baby, a 16 pack of baby wipes and some other related stuff. We also got a bath gift bag for mom, since many people who give baby gifts tend to forget mom. All total the price of the gift suprised us quite a bit. *shrug* It's not like we do it all the time.

We BBQ'd some hamugers and french fries and had rented six DVD movies from Blockbuster. All four of us had time to enjoy two of them before I had to drive our friends back into the city. So today, we spent the day sleeping in and watching the rest of the movies. It was nice to catch some titles that I have been wanting to see for more than a few months. That's about where things stand now-a-days.



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