Thursday, April 28, 2005

Gone Fish'in

Review the Checklist....

- Towel "check"
- Hairbrush "check"
- Spare sandles "check"
- Fishing Pole "check"
- Make pointless post "check"
- Put up the Gone Fish'in sign "check"

Ok, it all checks out. I'm off for the summer. Have a great one folks. Enjoy!

Monday, April 25, 2005

Long time no drive

Well it took some time, but it's well worth it. I got my permit last week and left myself a week to get comfortable behind the wheel again. This afternoon I have my license back and am happy to be behind the wheel. Now I can drive myself over to Halifax and not have to worry about it with anyone. *Cheer* Enjoy the summer!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Another 3 years has gone by.

Well, it seems that another three years have past by already. I just spent the day recertifing my Instructor qualifications for 1st Aid/CPR. It's nice to see how much things have improved and the areas where I can keep working at. Family is down visiting this weekend, so my time is taken up with all kinds of things. Hope you all time to Enjoy!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

This Relationship is a Horse Race

I've noticed many bloggers have embedded songs/voice onto thier BLOGs. For those who have blogs worth reading, this can get annoying after a few visits. I found a comedy song that tickles my funny bone and decided to provide a link to the song for those who would like to chose to hear it. Drop me a note on what you think of the song. Until then, Enjoy!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

End of the Year - PARTY!

Last night's band was brought to you by the letter "G" as in a Great! Time was had by all. We had the usual end of the year party last night. Rodger Jones played for us and during the break we inserted some dubious Kareokee singing. One guy pulled off an excellent Axel Rose impersonation on one song. Where else can a person get a BBQ steak dinner, live music, Kareokee and cheap drinks for just $8, and throw in second helpings for those who wanted it?

Over the next few weeks most people will be heading out for different summer jobs/courses. Becasue of that, we try and plan our end of the year party early enough to allow for the most participation by everyone. Our only stumbling block is the final exams at the univertsity might keep some people from attending the event at all.

Those are the happenings these days. Gotta enjoy some more of this sunny weather with my new sunglasses. Bought my 1st pair of perscription sunglasses, they also double as my back-up pair in case my normal ones break or get lost.


Saturday, April 02, 2005

Welcome to a new Fiscal Year

Sprouting plants, fresh rain in the air and mud all over the place...yes! Spring is here. Along with this time of year comes a new fiscal year. Things have been great at work but with a new fiscal year returns the uncertinty of weather I'll be called in or not. *shrug* Not to worry all that much as I will be starting a four month contracts in May followed by a three week vacation. So my summer is pretty much sortted out.

Time to get out end Enjoy!