Sunday, July 29, 2007

From one to another

After 27 months, the job in complete. Over the past few months I have passed everything on to the new person who took over. I'm happy with the work I did, and have not doubts about completing this past job.

Things on the other end are looking good as well. Those that know me at the national, regional and local levels are all interested in getting me to work with them. I already have a job in NB for two weeks next month. So this year looks like I will be traveling much more than I have in the past. For those that know me, this is not a problem.

I really like hearing the birds singing outside, seeing all the green and flowers. We are inside the city, but the way we are situated, it feels like we are in cottage country. Needless to say, I am really enjoying this summer weather.

So next month a big family gathering is planned with people coming in from across the country. At the end of August, we are taking part in another regional golf tournement. We've participated in this before and it's a fun way of meeting up with others that we have not seen for some time.