Saturday, June 25, 2005

Beat the heat


When it's 28 degrees indoors of course I will post something about sum type of summer weather finally arriving. Actually, while it is hot inside, it is not too unbearable. After all the rain of the last two months, I'm redy for good 'ol heat and sunshine. I even enjoyed a siesta this afternoon during the hight of the sun.

I'm looking forward to the long weekend and having more than just a day and a half at home each weekend. The trips are more than worth it to recharge and get away from Halifax since I do not have my own home over there. At least I know that I am at the half way point and almost ready for the downhill roll.

Drop a note with your most creative suggestions for beating the heat. Enjoy!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Just Like Metemucile (sp) - Regular Posts equal regual stools

*groan* Oh Crap! That title sounds bad.....*hehehhehe*

Just to make something straight, and after these bad jokes I have to be wary about using the phrase straight too loosely around here. *worried glance*\
After a couple weeks of rating, I find myself at a rate of 2.3 out of 10 on looks online. For most peeps that's an Ouch! *shrug* I know I let myself go when I was in trouble. I know that with all the good coming on now I need to improve...but it took me over months to get out of shape without thinking about it....this means it will take as many months....9+(more) to get me back into near shape.

So from Kratz's point of view.....if I can't see you *shrug* I ain't missing you enough to need you.

Monday, June 13, 2005

The dreaded mem/quizz

Ok, so I told myself I would not do the mem's or quizzes or even post them to bother people who might actually read this. Then I found one from dhughes' Blog. Here is the result of my taking the quiz;

I am nerdier than 99% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Needless to say, I am a bit surprised to find this result after taking the test. *shock*

'n the smiles keep on roll'in

Where to begin? Lets go with the minor stuff 1st. The weather is all grey and rainy today *shrug* so what I am so happy that I really don't care. Today and tomrrow is my days off since I worked over the weekend.

To update how that went. To sum it all up, within short order the class went from the expected 12 students when they came calling for me to a final three. Gee that sounds like survivor or some other reality show *laugh* The course went great and the guys now have their qualification. So of course I am happy to be home and to have been able to help my work out of a jam. It's all good.

The best news.....I mean the best news (hehe) It's worth repeating twice. I received my yearly evaluation finally. It's the first one I have had since I got into trouble, so I really didn't know what to expect or hold any hopes for it. Well after reading it, I can wrap it up into one expressive sentance, "Wow!"

I have been smiling and walking on water since friday, that is how happy I am. Years ago my grandfather gave me some advice, "Don't argue, instead work to make your boss look good." Well after reading my evaluation, I had to call him and thank him for that advice as it paid off in spades. When you work for the most senior people in charge at work and you make them look good to everyone watching, you get praise in return. Both my direct supervisor and senior manager both wrote comments that - "I am ready for promotion". I mean wow! The next promotion depends on comments like this, and the entire evaluation was crammed full of praise on my work, efforts, loyalty was to the point that they ran out of room on the page. They could not put in all of the positive work that I did.

I also phoned my friends and everyone I know is happy to hear this terrific news. Now, my next hurdle is to get my fitness back into shape. This will take some work, but when I succeed it will be worth it.


Friday, June 10, 2005

Getting paid to come home-Gotta love it!


So the story does not start out as good as the line mentions, but here goes. I get paid to leave home for the summer and all is good....full-time work, benifits and all the rest. Now my work at home calls up and wants me back for a couple days to instruct a much needed course. So now I am in the happy position of being paid to leave my home (for the summer) and the paid again to come back for five days. All I can say is that I am all smiles.


Saturday, June 04, 2005

Sunrays hitting this bleached white skin (AKA my body)

Ok, even I will stop with those mental images after that subject line. I do have to give props to those who ensure some sun does actually reach us and let us beleive that some sort of spring/summer will arrive in the maratimes.

Of note, I have also changed my link to some's BLOG...."Devil's Island". Now I am looking for that some 'ol interesting substance I enjoy reading from 'em. *smile*

I had a terrific drive home from Halifax today and even took the treat of catching the ferry across. I have not personally driven across a ferry since before they stopped ferry service in Borden PEI. I might have had NS plates on my vehical, but I drove the 'ol ferry traffic style.

Silly stuff in the news these days;

Holmoka's release - *shrug* She's done her time. I agree "fiar" limits should be placed on her, but since she voluntariliy served 100% of her sentance without requesting parole....I think she got it too hard today with the judge's desicion. If she wants to travel, why does she have to give 96 hours notice? As long as she reports to a Parole Officer on time, I think that woould be more in line.

Charlottetown Public Transit - I have been a supporter and advocate of getting one in place. But I support the PTS for the Capital Region and not just for the city as is the current plan. In my mind, it seems like the city is pushing this ahead to appear to be meeting lobby efforts, while using those lobby efforts as leverage to get higher funding from the outlying towns. If this goes the way I am seeing it, the people who need a PTS will lose all hopes of a public system soon after the initial 5 year plan.

Gas Prices - Based on the experts, they are predicting the per litre price to go over $1 this year in Canada.....and if world oil prices remain at current levels or go higher....we could see $2+ by this fall. *ouch* What a time to have bought a car.

Those are my thoughts so far from PEI. Enjoy!