Saturday, December 30, 2006

A quiet Vacation

I'm really enjoying this holiday break. I have not had any vacation time since the summer and this week is just what is needed to slow down and relax for a few days. I'm home alone, the others and dog all headed spend the holidays with family leaving the place to myself. Curling up with a good book and a fire going is a great way to spend a day. Sadly, I've got to be back to work Tuesday and for the next couple days everyone will arrive back for the New Year. All good things can't last. *smile*


Saturday, December 23, 2006

3 fast years and the last piece of the puzzle

It's been a week of early Christmas celebreations and recognizing how much I have to be thankful for. It seems good things do come in threes.

First off, the final part of my instructor training that I was trying to become certified in was approved in Ottawa early this week. I was so happy about that, I was ready to post about it a couple of times here.
(past entries where I was going, it got cancelled, scramble for another course ect..)

Next, without a course this week I had time to get things done that we normally do not have time for. One of those things was for me to research the publications at work. Well, after the trouble I was in a few years ago I found a footnote that applies to my situation. Due to this news, as of this month I can apply for a pardon after 3 years instead of the normal 5 year wait. The paperwork is already sent in and aisde from processing time, I am told nothing should stop it.

Finally, after work yesterday I received the Criminal Records Check that I had to apply for in order to be accepted as a volunteer. I tried to pass on this requiernment becasue I knew the result from the check. I opened the enveolpe this morning, that's how reluctant I was to read the news.

Well, I was pole axed. You could have knocked me over with a feather ect... According to the search of RCMP, and both local city police all that came up was my ten year old drunk driving charge. It looks like normal, I was worrying about more things than needed.

Between all three of these items, I will have a bright 2007 and beyound. Something that I would never have looked forward to three years ago. I would never wish those dark days on anyone for any reason. Things are looking up.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Quick trip & Busy week

Took a quick trip to QC last weekend. I was invited to be a guest speaker during the workshop and it was interesting to meet instructors from other units across Canada. Now they know of another resource if they have questions or need any help. At night I went out with them and found a couple nice resturaunts. Actually, they were outstanding places to great a great meal. The airline was delayed in both directions and on the way out they even lost my baggage for a day.

I got home last Monday morning around 1:30am and was more than tired when we got up for work. I arrived 5min late for work and started the week off running behind time. The other two instructors had conflicting appointments on Monday and I was running a workshop that day as well, so was not available to cover their course off. The timming sorted itself out just by the skin of it's teeth.

Normally we run one or two courses each week. This week was unusual due to Christmas parties for the units, so we ran one course early, the other classroom ran it's own during the normal time and a last minute course was run in the first classroom at the end of the week. So at one point between the two classrooms, we had six instructors on the go. A highly unusual situation.

Starting this weekend, many people take an extra week off for the Chirstmas holidays. So our plan was to not waist our vacation time this coming week. Instead, the plan is to get much of the equipment cleaned, files completed and other stuff that we do not normally have time to get done during our regular weekly routine.

The radio commented on the weirest part of this month so far, two of the local golf courses are still open in the middle of Decembre. Something to think up.


Saturday, December 02, 2006

Unplanned Weekend - 2 Dec 06


This week started out with few expectations and even fewer knoledge. Gorvel/Pump and/Lash. If they ever did those same things to me, it would be the same challenge.More rant of the same version come again.