Last night's band was brought to you by the letter "G" as in a Great! Time was had by all. We had the usual end of the year party last night. Rodger Jones played for us and during the break we inserted some dubious Kareokee singing. One guy pulled off an excellent Axel Rose impersonation on one song. Where else can a person get a BBQ steak dinner, live music, Kareokee and cheap drinks for just $8, and throw in second helpings for those who wanted it?
Over the next few weeks most people will be heading out for different summer jobs/courses. Becasue of that, we try and plan our end of the year party early enough to allow for the most participation by everyone. Our only stumbling block is the final exams at the univertsity might keep some people from attending the event at all.
Those are the happenings these days. Gotta enjoy some more of this sunny weather with my new sunglasses. Bought my 1st pair of perscription sunglasses, they also double as my back-up pair in case my normal ones break or get lost.