Saturday, February 25, 2006

Time flys way too fast.

Well one chapter is coming to a close sooner than we thought. First thing in the morning, I was placing my morning call and got the official word. I am not going to be able to earn the next level of training that I had been looking forward to. Of course this was disappointing to hear, but having the time to hear the reasons explained why helps accept the news alot better. Between schedualing, appointments, vacations and that kind sort of stuff there is no time available to properly get me trained and cetified for the next level before his retirenment.

This news does not preclude me from getting the training sometime in the furture, nor does it threaten my current contract. I asked if this was a reflection of my skills and I was reassured this situation was not due to my skills. I am so glad to have taken the time to ask these questions and had the opportunity to understand what is going on. This is better than stewing over it, woundering if it was my skills or he had screwed me around. At least now I know some answers that I can live with.

The good news is that I will be getting some new training in a couple of areas that normally, I would have to pay for myself and this will actually retrench my skills in this current contract even more. So overall, I am still content how things are going. Gotta run, Enjoy!


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