Sunday, December 11, 2005

Power Outage & Snow storm

We had 27cm of snow + rain hit us late Friday thru to early Saturday morning. By the time we were up and ready to clear the walk ways and decks the snow was ice and nearly impossible to remove with a shovel. This is why over 100,000 people in NS were without power anywhere from 12 to 28 hours. Since we have electric heating, the loss of power could have been bad. Thanks to our wood stove, we had heat and a place to cook. Mmmmm...we were still able to make our morning coffee & tea...we just had to dig out our camping gear from the store room. We also had to dig out the lantern and flashlights.

*laugh* We are retying our outdoor flags before permenantly hanging them. In order to get it done right, the flag is on the floor (it's clean) but the dog just walked across it a few times. I guess we know what he thinks of Canada. *LAUGH*

Well, time to get ready for another week. One more course before the Holidays. 24 paid days to unwind and gear up before this winter's series of courses.



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