Sunday, January 29, 2006

Entertainment takes many forms

Between 11:19am and 10:51pm I made 98 posts on one of the forums that I enjoy reading. The whole thing kinda mushroomed. I started by trying to find the right topic to post a comment about a medical presentation that mentions that overtired resident doctors are a danger to pubic health. After that, I saw some old topics from a couple years ago, that people had discussed. I found rereading these topics interesting and wanted to know if some had changed their minds, and to find out what new members had to say about these topics.

Well, Wow! The response was varied, but most people were unhappy to log on to find three pages of new topics. I'm sure that is alot of reading for people, but they do not have to open those topics that do not interest them. *sigh* So, I filled my day with making posts and having fun doing so. Others did not enjoy my type of fun. I guess they are glad it does not happen all the time. ;) I must say, I noticed one benifit of this little project produced some nice results. Four or five members of the fourm who have not posted in many months decided to respond to some of the topics that I had brought forward. So, even though some might find it frustrating to read through all those pages, IMHO I think there have been some true benifits to how the day turned out.

In compairison, today I have only posted 24 times from 7:16am to 11:50am but then I have also been getting stuff done around the house like laundry, bringing in more firewood ect...

Have a great day! Enjoy!


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