Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Back to work & fun

Every time I return to work after any length of vacation, I always have the same problem. On the way into the office after 23 days off for the holidays, the two of us got into the spirit with a guessing game of, "How many emails will be waiting for me when I log on?" I lost with 17 emails to her 39. Based on our jobs, that is not so surprising.

This we I am again co-teaching with a new instructor-in-training. He has completed his 1st phase and now in phase 2, he must instruct two courses with an experienced instructor for a minimum of two courses. This is done to pass along, "hands on" experience under supervised conditions prior to their final monitoring/testing of teaching a course on their own with someone in the back of the room marking his instructional skills.

I never mind co-teaching with another instructor, but when it's an instructor-in-training, I get more nervous and cautious than normal since my name/number is the one on the certificates....should anything go wrong. In all fairness though, this week's co-teach has happily been low stress in compairison to other times. This person I am with is older, mature and on the ball. With experience I am confident he'll be a great instructor if he keeps with the program that he has set out for himself.

Anyway, things are getting back to their routine and all is well. At this point, I have 9 more courses before THE END! *LOL* My current conract ends in this March so far. If it is not extended, then I'll move on and look for another place to work. With all the f/t experience I have gained in this position, I am ensured of more simular contract work in two other places that I am aware I have no worries.

Until later, Enjoy!


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