Thursday, December 08, 2005

Cold or Flu - Not the way to get a day off!

Coming down with a Cold/Flu is never much fun. Having to instruct a class is nearly impossible when you can't breath from stuffy nose or talk from coughing and dry throat. I know medications help releive some of the symptoms, but who carries this stuff to and from work each day?

My boss was cool though and told me to get home and look after myself early in the day. I had to get some stuff finished before heading out, but then I had the rest of the day for sleep and drinking lots of water. The rule of thumb is to drink your normal fluid intake plus 4.25L of water whenever you have cold/flu symptoms.

At least I saved some funds. Someone gave me advice to head over to the hospital and request a 'cold pack'. It only took 5 minutes to do and saved me about $17.00 out of my own pocket. All I have had to cover is the cost of throat lozengez.

That's my day, and an early trip to bed tonight.



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